Need help to verify if website is legitimate

Could you please try to find out if this website is a scam,

Thank you,


Hey there,

Thank you for reaching out. I’ve looked into this broker and it’s a scam. Please don’t use them or send them any money.

  • The URL you’ve sent me is a clone website pretending to be Capital Infusion. They use the same name and a similar logo, but their URL and website is different.
  • Another reason why I believe that this broker is a scam is that it’s not regulated at all. Although their website mentions that they are regulated by the “Financial Services Commission (FSC) of the United State” (yes, they even made a spelling mistake there), but I checked their license number and it’s fake.
  • In addition, I found a lot of other scam websites which have the exact same design and structure. I also checked the license number and registered address of these fake brokers and all of them claim to be registered under the same license number and address which is impossible. This is definitely a red flag:

You can find reliable and regulated brokers here:

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,

1 Like

Hello Andris,

Thank you so much for the quick response. I wish I had done this prior to sending them money, it was $1,500.00 in BTC :disappointed_relieved:. They have a private group on FB and it seems so legit. Thank God that Coinbase stopped me from sending them more BTC, they were asking for more, after the first two trades. Now I’m trying to get my BTC back and they have been delayed on their responses.

Is there a way I can make them give me my money back?

I really would appreciate the help you can give me.

Kind regards,


Hi Ruth,

I am really sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, the recovery of funds from scam brokers is an extremely complex procedure and chances of success are rather low.

I recommend checking the following article where we collected a few things you can try to get your funds back:

Firstly, you should report the forex scam to the appropriate authority, which is the financial regulatory body in your country that supervises forex companies.

Secondly, try to report the FB group to help and prevent others from being deceived.

In addition, I would recommend collecting as much evidence as possible. These should include the following:

  • Screenshots of deposits being made to the account and requests for withdrawal.
  • Screenshots of correspondence with customer support.
  • Recordings of the conversations with the broker’s customer support.
  • Account statements proving that the money was not credited within the specified period.

Also, please be careful with companies offering to get your money back. There are many scams that offer asset recovery services.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

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Salve, cerco suggerimenti fondati inerenti a questo sito:
in rete cicolano informazioni contastanti, grazie per il supporto

Is this company legit?


Grazie per averci contattato! A BrokerChooser, ci specializziamo nell’analizzare broker e nel fornire confronti semplici e diretti per broker, banche digitali e altri fornitori di servizi finanziari. Purtroppo, il sito web che hai inviato non fornisce tali servizi.

Tuttavia, ho dato un’occhiata veloce al sito web che hai menzionato, Dalla mia valutazione, il sito sembra essere di bassa qualità e non sembra essere affidabile. Per questo motivo, suggerisco di evitarne l’uso per garantire la tua sicurezza finanziaria.

Non esitare a contattarci se hai bisogno di raccomandazioni su broker affidabili o se hai altre domande!

I migliori auguri,

Hey there,

Thanks for your question. I’ve check the URL you’ve sent and based on my research it’s a scam broker. Please don’t use them.

The reasons are the following:

  • Smart Financial Edge is not regulated by any financial authority. Reliable brokers usually have the name of their regulator and license / regulation number shown in their footer.
  • The owner of the website uses a service to hide their identity and the domain is very new (registered only a couple of months ago). These are common red flags for scam websites​.
  • I’ve checked their contact address and I found something rather suspicious. A different scam broker, Morris Capitals (Switzerland) AG - which is on the warning list of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) - has the same address as the one shown on Smart Financial Edge’s website. This is definitely a warning sign of a potential scam.

If you’re looking for reliable and regulated brokers, you can find them here:

If you have any further questions please let me know.

Kind regards,

Thank you Andris for your reply and help answering my query.

| Andris BrokerChooser Team
May 14 |

  • | - |

Hey there,

Thanks for your question. I’ve check the URL you’ve sent and based on my research it’s a scam broker. Please don’t use them.

The reasons are the following:

  • Smart Financial Edge is not regulated by any financial authority. Reliable brokers usually have the name of their regulator and license / regulation number shown in their footer.
  • The owner of the website uses a service to hide their identity and the domain is very new (registered only a couple of months ago). These are common red flags for scam websites​.
  • I’ve checked their contact address and I found something rather suspicious. A different scam broker, Morris Capitals (Switzerland) AG - which is on the warning list of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) - has the same address as the one shown on Smart Financial Edge’s website. This is definitely a warning sign of a potential scam.

If you’re looking for reliable and regulated brokers, you can find them here:

If you have any further questions please let me know.

Kind regards,

Hello, can you check if the website is legitimate or a scam?

Thank you very much

Hey there,

Thanks for your message. I’ve checked Finance Investment Limited and I believe it’s a scam. Please don’t use them or send them any money.

Here are the reasons why:

  • No regulatory information can be found of the company. Legitimate brokers usually display their regulator’s name and their license or regulation number, typically in their website’s footer.
  • I’ve cross-checked the contact information on their website and their address is fake. It belongs to another company called Excel Insurance.
  • Finance Investment Limited’s privacy policy and terms and conditions is suspiciously short and they have several red flags that are typically not associated with legitimate companies. For example, the extensive disclaimers of liability, including for errors, omissions, and potential security breaches, suggest that the company is trying to avoid responsibility for potential issues that may arise.
  • The pricing of their plans are extremely costly considering that the company has no reputation, which should be a warning sign.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


I’ve already deposited money there with a woman from the US who apparently helped me and got me into the company to unlock a £50,000 bonus. Because the company gave me a bonus of £50,000. And I was supposed to deposit £5,000 so that I could get the bonus. Then apparently the woman deposited £1500 and I deposited the rest. Then, when I went to withdraw the money, another email came saying I had to deposit £314 to withdraw the money. Which of course I didn’t do. I have made a complaint to financial-ombudsman; maybe they can help me get my money back.


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been caught up in this situation. Unfortunately, cases like these (a £50,000 bonus), which seem too good to be true, often are.

I’m glad you recognized the scam when they asked for more money to process the withdrawal. Scam brokers often demand extra deposits, citing withdrawal taxes or fees, but paying these will only lead to further losses without recovering your money.

The recovery of funds from scam brokers is an extremely complex procedure and chances of success are rather low. However, I would recommend checking the following article where we collected a few things you can try to get your funds back:

I hope this helps.


Hello, is legitimate?

Hi there,

Thank you for your message. I have looked into TrustflowHedgeFund and it seems to be a scam. Please don’t use them and don’t send them any money.

The reasons are the following:

  • First of all, no regulatory information can be found of the company. Reliable brokers usually have the name of their regulator and license / regulation number shown in their website’s footer.

  • Secondly, while I was going through their Terms and Conditions, I discovered that the license number they claim to operate under is being used by numerous other “brokers”. This suggests that TrustflowHedgeFund is part of a fraudulent entity chain which operates similar websites to steal money from clients. For example, check out this broker, its website is exactly the same as TrustflowHedgeFund’s: InterTrustHedgeFunds.

  • Thirdly, the design and structure of the website is similar to other fake brokers. Several links are broken or take users to other website’s such as Investopedia which is quite unusual for a legitimate entity.

If you’re looking for reliable and regulated brokers, you can find them here:

Please let me know, if you have any questions.

Kind regards,