When will IBCE move to Ireland


when will IB CE move to Ireland and do i need to do anything?

I’m a client under IBCE. Thanks

Thank you for your question. The timeline IBKR provided is between 6 months to 1 year, which means that it will happen sometime in 2024.
I also highlight a few things what differences this merge would mean you if you’re onboarded with IBIE rather than IBCE:

  • Regulator: at IBCE the regulator is the Hungarian Central Bank (MNB), while IBIE are monitored by the Irish Central Bank
  • Investor protection: at IBCE, you’re eligible to a €100k investor protection, while IBIE provides €20k investor protection.
  • Account base currencies: it’ll much better at IBIE as you can hold 24 currencies vs the 10 currencies provided at IBCE.
  • You will have access to some additional products, e.g. OTC Spot Metals, OTC Futures.

If you have some other questions, you can find here FAQ: Merger of Two EU Broker Dealers

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