TBSZ at Lightyear

Can I use TBSZ at Lightyear to keep cash and earn the interest rate on it?

Yes, you can open TBSZ at Lightyear. However, due to Hungarian law, you canโ€™t earn interest on uninvested cash. On the other hand, you can earn interest at TBSZ if you put money into market funds.

How can i purchase ETFs at LightYear TBSZ account? Can you describe steps and what to pay attention?

Yes, sure! Please find below the steps you should take to buy ETFs on your Lightyear TBSZ account:

  • Log into the app
  • On the menu (top left), select your TBSZ account
  • Deposit some money from your โ€œRegularโ€ account to the โ€œTBSZโ€ account if there are no funds there. You can easily do it by clicking on โ€œAdd moneyโ€
  • After, click on the search button on the bottom left and type the ETFโ€™s name you would like to buy.
  • If you found this ETF, just click on the โ€œBuyโ€ button, add the number of shares, and click on "Preview order

The whole process is very seamless. If you have any additional questions, please let me know.
