Separate bucket or sub account on IBKR?

I’m struggling to find a good way to separate money between different purposes. Specifically I would want one set of money, which is a one-off income I received to be completely separate in my reporting. I see people suggest a separate account for this, but there’s also the partitioning which I’m not sure is right for this purpose.

I love the concept of “Spaces” in N26, I’m thinking something along those lines.

What do you guys think?

Hey Dan, you can easily open subaccounts at IBKR. Steps to do it:

  1. Just to go the settings

  2. Click on “Open an Additional Account”

  3. Select an individual account

After you open the different accounts, you can separate your investments between them. The reporting could be also separated for them.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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