I set up a brokerage account on TradeDefi based on a friend’s recommendation. I started with a small amount and just started day trading. I did a lot of trades today and suddenly my account gets frozen and I am asked to contact online customer service. I’ve messaged them and am waiting for a reply. Why would they lock my account for day trading and how do I go about getting it unlocked?
Cuando abres una cuenta con poco capital si usas un margen alto,
el CFDs trilero suele congelarte la operativa hasta que te liquidan la
cuenta esto lo hacia FXOPEN UK hace unos años, al acercarte al call
margin se congela, no puedes cerrar las posiciones.
En todo caso te abren el spread un 100.000% te la liquidan igual,
sigue metiendo dinero en estos chiringuitos trileros tienes el 99,99%
de posibilidades de perderlo.
Da igual que este regulado es para aparentar que cumplen las normas.
da igual como se llame, salvo LMAX/IB/ el resto esta montado para robar.
I have not approached a margin call. To the contrary, I traded it from $5800 to nearly $23000. Then last Friday it got locked and I got a server message to contact online customer service. I did so and until today even I’ve received no response.
El brĂłker no se monta para que ganes dinero, se monta para quedarse con tu dinero
en el caso de ganar pueden hacer lo que quieran, en sus términos y condiciones lo pone,
solo LMAX no elimina operaciones realizadas, pueden cerrarte la posiciĂłn, pueden congelar
el precio (el petróleo esta 77 si sube a 150 tu bróker lo puede congelar en 77 y además
cobrarte los swaps que les parezca, diariamente) etc. etc.
No hay brĂłker ECN como tal, los CFDs es un contrato entre tu y el brĂłker, hacen lo que quieran
con tu cuenta.
Que medio has utilizado para ingresar el efectivo, si es con tarjeta solicita a la tarjeta por medio de tu banco
por escrito un contra cargo, con copia sellada.
Denuncia en la policĂa, si eres Europeo hay un ente contra fraudes, busca los nombres de los representantes
sus direcciones, mira si tienen cuentas en las redes sociales, es importante que además del Bróker,
denuncies en la policĂa a los representantes legales.
El brĂłker es una estafa,. como todos los cfds brĂłker, si fuera de uk no tendrĂas problema el FOS,
tardarĂa pero sus resoluciones son mayoritariamente favorables, si es Australiano dalo por perdido,
son los reyes del timo.
Hey there,
While I can’t say for sure why they locked your account, it’s possible that some brokers, especially the less reliable ones, might flag accounts for frequent trading if they think something’s off.
Unfortunately, TradeDefi isn’t considered a trusted broker because it’s not regulated by a financial authority with strict standards. In addition, this broker has been listed on the IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) warning list since August 2022. So, we at BrokerChooser wouldn’t feel comfortable using their services ourselves. To keep your money safe, it’s always better to go with brokers that are overseen by top-tier regulators.
Regardless, you’ve already done the right thing by contacting their customer service. Keep following up with them, but once the issue is resolved, you might want to consider withdrawing your funds and switching to a more reliable broker. It’s always better to be safe when it comes to your investments.
You can find for reliable and regulated brokers here: https://brokerchooser.com/broker-reviews.
Best wishes,
I have sent email to their support email and have also contacted online support. However, I have yet to receive a response since the account was locked last Friday.